EdyG profile photo

Hi, my name is

Edilson Gonzalez.

I build things for the web.

I am a highly skilled software developer with a strong foundation in multiple programming languages and frameworks. I have experience building web applications and APIs, and I am comfortable working with cloud platforms and deploying and managing applications in the cloud. In addition to my technical skills, I am a strong communicator with experience in technical documentation and reporting, gathering requirements, and teamwork. I am familiar with various software development methodologies and tools for project management, documentation, version control, and collaboration. I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow and learn as a software developer.


Areas of interest


Data analysis and visualization

I'm able to use tools such as Python, R, SQL, and Excel to analyze and visualize data for various purposes, such as identifying trends, patterns, and insights.


Machine learning

I use my skills in tools such as Python, R, scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Keras to build machine learning models that can predict or classify outcomes based on data.


Data engineering

Skills in tools such as SQL, Python, and Apache Spark, to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from various sources.


Web development

Using frameworks such as Django, Falcon, NodeJS, dotnet core, and Yii.


Cloud deployment and management

Using tools such as Docker, k8s, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure Cloud.


Technical documentation and reporting

I use my skills in technical documentation and reporting to help communicate technical concepts and processes to a variety of audiences.


Software development methodologies

I use my familiarity with methodologies such as TDD, Scrum, and Clean Architecture to improve the quality and efficiency of software development.


Communication and collaboration

Skills in data visualization software and presentation, as well as my experience in stakeholder management, to effectively convey insights and recommendations to cross-functional teams and stakeholders.


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